Our Journey to "organic"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nesting time: Meal prep

Every pregnant Momma goes through some type of nesting... this go around my nesting has included sewing and food prep (my back is too sore for it to be cleaning:) Since this is my third boy, I want to make sure all of my big boys (hubby included) stay well fed while I am on the mend. Here are a few of the foods/recipes that I'm prepping ahead of time to make life as a family of 5 (and life after C-section) a little bit easier.

My 4 and 5 year old boys love muffins! I decided instead of stocking up on the cheap muffin mixes, I would prep my own (a little healthier) muffin mixes. Hoping to make breakfast a little easier on my hubby, Granny, or my frazzled postpartum self, I put all of the dry ingredients together in storage bags with the instructions for preparation.

Cinnamon Oat Muffins
Dry ingredients:
2 cups flour (I used 1 cup oat flour + 1 cup bread flour)
1 TBSP baking powder
1 cup sugar (or splenda/sugar mix)
Note in bag says:
Preheat oven to 350
Mix 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 1/3 cup applesauce (or oil). Add dry ingredients to mixture. 
Pour into greased muffin tins and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake about 15 minutes.

I have made several larger meals and frozen half of them: meat sauce for spaghetti, BBQ crock pot beef, and  roasted turkey w/gravy. I will also be roasting 2 chickens and making several meals with the chicken, such as chicken spaghetti, chicken lasagna, and chicken tetrazzini. I'm baking several loaves of bread and freezing them for my bread loving boys! I am super thankful for my mom who is doing the same thing at her house in Mobile, AL. When she comes up to help with baby, she's bringing us frozen home-cooked meals!!

What are some ways that you have prepped and prepared for life with a new baby?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fun Fall Pics!

We are really enjoying this Fall weather! The boys LOVE playing and exploring in our new backyard...especially the bamboo forest!! 


 My sweet boys!!
Also thankful for trips to the ASU Farmers Market and fun days with my guys:) 

We're trying to get organized in our new home (moved in less than 2 weeks ago...it's a process:). The homeschooling room is coming together!

We have been blessed to move into a great neighborhood! Our street had a costume parade and chili and s'mores this Monday. We really enjoyed meeting our new neighbors... and my little superheroes loved getting candy!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tough issues... surrender ALL

One of the issues that I've seen come up among friends and many believers is... family planning/birth control/pro-life/pro-choice issues. I begin this by saying that I am unashamedly a child of God, follower of Christ and completely pro-life (because God is pro-life).

I have seen so many people wrecked with grief over their own infertility... yet years before had told God they didn't want children (through actions of taking pills that would cause "temporary infertility"). I believe it is very dangerous to say to God (verbally or with action) "I don't want children, I don't want children, I don't want children"... and then flip the switch one day and say, "OK God, I want children NOW". Who are we to take away God's role as Creator?? Who are we to decide WHEN God will bless us with children?? Are those actions really displaying God as Lord and Master over every area of our lives? These are tough and personal questions... questions I'm thankful that women of God challenged me with years ago.

I am so thankful for people in my life who opened my eyes to the realities of what birth control is and does to our body (Thanks Hollie Farr!). Today's birth control does not always prevent the fertilization of an egg. Rather, it can and does prevent a fertilized egg (baby) from implanting in the uterus. When I was newly married, I had no idea that a birth control pill I was taking could cause me to unknowingly abort my baby. This "low dose" type of birth control is called an abortifacient. Since I'm completely against abortion, I immediately stopped taking birth control pills and began charting my cycles (becoming aware of my body and cycles). I'm also thankful to Carla Sibley (the wife of our pastor in Watkinsville, Georgia) for challenging me even further in trusting the Lord with our "family planning" and giving that role back to God, our Creator and Lord. I hope that I can be a light to others, as these women were to me.

When we confess Christ as Savior and LORD, we surrender our lives and decisions over to Him and follow Him and His authority, which He has made clear through Scripture. I can not give only parts of my life to Him and pretend to still acknowledge Him as Lord and Master. I have to surrender ALL of me. Through that surrender, I am absolutely blessed to find myself in the loving and wise hands of our Sovereign God. Trust Him in and with all things, you will be blessed beyond belief!!

Another issue, is abortion. It's a shame that even many who call themselves Christians would justify the murder of an unborn child due to circumstances such as rape. When do two wrongs ever make a right??? How would killing a child in the womb ever right the wrong of the crime, or bring healing to the victim of the rape? While so many people are against taking away that women's choice and making that decision for her, someone needs to be the advocate and make the choice for that child's life.

"If God wants us to care about the orphan who is endangered because his parents are dead... then how much more should we care about the child who is endangered because his parents want him dead?" --David Platt, regarding Abortion

FYI about my family: My husband and I have been married for 8 years, are thankful to be blessed with two boys, are pregnant with boy #3 and are also in the process of adopting a sweet child.

UPDATE (6/2/15)
FYI about my family: My husband and I have been married for almost 12 years, and are thankful to be blessed with 4 boys (3 biological and 1 adopted).  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Muscadine Jelly... my first canning experience!

One of my hubby and boys' favorite treats is Muscadine jelly, made by Grandma in Georgia. On our Saturday morning trip to the ASU Farmer's market, I was pleasantly surprised to find muscadines in Arkansas!! I bought a gallon of muscadines, received some instruction from the kind lady who sold me the muscadines, and decided to try out this jelly making and canning process:)

fresh muscadines

crushed muscadines--thanks to my strong hubby:)

I boiled the crushed muscadines in a couple inches of water for 25 minutes and then strained them.
Muscadine juice (about 4 cups) after boiling and straining (with colander and strainer or cheesecloth)

I brought the 3 to 4 cups of juice to a boil for 5 minutes, added about 6 cups of sugar and boiled for about 5-10 minutes. I added 1 packet of SureJel and boiled 1 more minute.
After all of the boiling, I poured hot jelly into prepared jelly jars.

I boiled the sealed jars for about 5 minutes.

 One of the things I am most passionate about is... cooking! However, I have never attempted the whole process of canning. I usually freeze our garden veggies and soups, instead of canning. I learned that canning is definitely not as difficult as it looks, and I'll be doing this project again soon!
Finished product!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sidewalk painting

The boys had so much FUN measuring the ingredients, mixing colors and painting creative pictures on the driveway! We're thankful to have art class outside in this beautiful weather!

Equal parts cornstarch + water + 1-2 drops of food coloring=               an afternoon of FUN sidewalk painting!!

Evan painted "power"

Ben painted a machine and a tree

Friday, August 12, 2011

Muddy and thankful moments with my little men

I still need to give an update on our move and big life and job changes... but for now here are some great pics of our muddy morning in our NEW backyard!  I love experiencing these precious muddy moments with my little men! I am so blessed and have much to be thankful for!

best friends!

I LOVE this face!

Friday, June 17, 2011

An unexpected turn in our Journey!

Many of you have walked along side us through our adoption journey, that began Fall 2010. We began the adoption process of a child from Ethiopia and have been blessed to see God's provision and blessing through this journey! We have been on a wild ride as we journeyed through the book of James this year, read more about that journey here.

Some of you may not know that a couple months ago, we began inquiring about the possibility of adopting ANOTHER baby. Baby "Ann" is a precious little girl that was dropped off at an orphanage run by some of our friends in Thailand. As soon as we heard about her... we wanted her to be ours! We knew people might think we're crazy to pursue an additional adoption, while still adopting from Ethiopia, but we were ready to try to make this work.

About 3 weeks ago, we received an email telling us that our paperwork hadn't reached Korea in time and baby "Ann" was going to be adopted by another family... a great family (pastor, stay-at-home mom of two kids). We're so thankful that baby "Ann" will have a home, at the same time we were disappointed she wouldn't be ours. Can I tell you... I could not have predicted the rest of the events of that crazy day!! Within hours, we were surrounded by tornadoes... but that is definitely not the craziest part! Just hours after receiving the news about baby "Ann", we found out that we are pregnant!! God's timing can be pretty hilarious sometimes!!

Please continue to pray
--that God will give us faith to trust Him through every step of our journey
--for this pregnancy (we're only 2 months along and have already had some complications/bleeding and have had 2 ultrasounds)
--for us on our crazy journey of seeking the Lord and the next place of ministry to plant our lives
--for our adoption, for the child God will bring into our family
--for our two boys (3 and 4 1/2) during these transitional months

Thanks for ALL of your prayers, support and encouragement!!

Our Adoption Story

    About a year and a half ago I read David Platt’s book Radical. The Lord had been stirring in me so many of the things that David wrote about… getting away from our selfish Christian “spin on the American dream” and really seeking to be who God has called us to be… we are follows of Christ. The Lord continued to burden us to reach the nations and began breaking our heart to reach more people with God’s glory, love and mercy.
    God was also working on Josh and I separately and planted seeds of adoption in each of us. Josh attended a minister’s conference called Catalyst, where he heard Mac Powell’s testimony about his family’s adoption. About a two years ago we had an early miscarriage. The Lord really opened my heart to add another child to our family. I immediately wanted to get pregnant again, but Josh did not. I prayed for God to change Josh’s heart because I just knew we were supposed to have another child. He didn’t. Finally I began praying that God would change MY heart… He immediately did!! God placed adoption on my heart. Through this time Josh was preaching through Ephesians 1 on our adoption in Christ. That really hit home with us as we were praying about adoption for our family. We are overwhelmed by God’s love for us and His adoption of us in Christ. Our motivation to adopt is to demonstrate Christ to a child and the world. We started talking about adoption, prayed about it and stepped out in obedience.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

Is this path going to be easy?? NO
  • Do we have to sacrifice material possessions of this world? Yes
  • Do we have to raise $30,000---YES! The Lord has already provided more than half of that!!
  • If we are polluted and corrupted by the desires and pleasures of this world, not only would we be unable to answer this call to demonstrate Christ to the world… but we would not have even heard the call. Matt. 6 Jesus says do NO worry about what you wear, what you eat, where you will live (for that is what the pagans run after). God tells us to “keep oneself from being polluted from the things of this world”, so we can hear and obey HIM!
  • One of our family’s big concerns was that we will experience racism because we will be a transracial family. Do we avoid following God’s call just to avoid discomfort?
  •  Would I reject the idea of being a missionary, or even a mission trip because it is uncomfortable?? NOOOO!!!
Christ experienced much discomfort for me on the cross and calls us to take up our cross daily and follow HIM---does that sounds comfortable to you? But it is a very blessed life to follow Christ!!!

We were ALL once lost, orphans in need of a Father who would redeem and adopt us. God has bought, redeemed and adopted us in Christ. We are now true sons because of Christ’s death and resurrection.

“Adoption is about the reconciliation of the rebellious. Our confusion comes when we look at human adoption and end up focusing on the fact that a child needs parents. God focuses on the fact that a lost person needs saving” (Dan Cruver, Reclaiming Adoption)

Don’t get me wrong, there are so many kids in need who are hurting and we can do something about that. Less than ¼ of all people in the country we are adopting from have clean water to drink. Things that we take for granted--taking a bath… those kids have never experienced! Some orphans have never even been outside, felt the wind or water. Many babies in orphanages no longer cry, they know that NO one will come if they cry, so they just stop trying to get attention or comfort.

However, “The ultimate purpose of human adoption by Christians, therefore is not to give orphans parents, as important as that is. It is to place them in a Christian home that they might be positioned to receive the gospel, so that within that family, the world might witness a representation of God taking in and genuinely loving the helpless, the hopeless, and the despised.” 
(Dan Cruver, Reclaiming Adoption)

Can you imagine if more Christians took this step, how would that look to the world… would people see what redemption & unconditional love really looks like?!

Please continue to pray for our adoption journey... our dossier is in Ethiopia, translated and in their system. We are now officially waiting. This wait could be over a year. We are also exploring another possibility... of adopting a precious baby girl from Korea. Please pray that our Sovereign Lord will work out ALL of the details and continue to provide and meet every need. We are so thankful for your prayers, encouragement and support!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Journey through James... stepping out in faith and trusting GOD!

    This year has been an amazing adventure of trusting and following God, even when we don't know what the next step on the path is going to bring. We are so thankful for our All Knowing, All Loving Father, who has blessed us with the privilege to proclaim His Name in a life of ministry! God is so faithful to give us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We are thankful that God's word is living and active!! As we have journeyed through this year of stepping out as God has led, we are amazed at how clearly He has spoken through His word!!

    We are going through James with our church, small group, and college students... we didn't realize we would be studying James in every group at the same time! I participate in Bible Study Fellowship on Wednesday mornings, we are studying the book of Isaiah this year. We began sensing the Lord's leading toward adoption this Fall. While we were beginning the adoption process, God was affirming us through Isaiah 1: 16-17 and James 1:27.

"Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong and learn to do right! Seek justice, encouraged the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:16-17

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted from the world." 
James 1:27.
    We are blessed to be on this journey of adoption, and very thankful for God's continued affirmation through His word! Just an update, we began the adoption process in September and our paperwork (dossier) is now in Ethiopia. We are currently waiting on a referral for the precious son or daughter God has for our family!

    For the past 6 years, Josh and I have been blessed to serve in collegiate ministry at Williams Baptist College. We have seen the Lord work in amazing ways in the lives of students: students trusting Christ, students sacrificing and serving, answering the call to ministry/missions, stepping out in and following God's leading to mission fields all over the world.  Over the past year or two, Josh and I have been sensing the Lord leading us out (from our safe, wonderful ministry and community at Williams Baptist College) to a more unreached campus. This was one of the toughest decisions we have ever had to make... leaving dear friends, a job, home, a comfortable ministry, and the place where we have seen God grow our marriage and family in leaps and bounds! One of the books Josh read this year, Just Do Something, by Kevin DeYoung, also spurred us on this journey of stepping out and trusting God.

    Through God's leading, we stepped out in faith and began searching for the next place/campus God would have us serving Him, sharing the Gospel, and ministering in His name. We began the interview process with an incredible church in Alabama that has the desire to reach the college campus in their town*. One of the things God has been teaching us through our study of James is, " Let your 'Yes' be yes, and your 'No', no" (James 5:12). In March of this year, we knew that God was leading us out to a different location/ministry. Therefore, when it came time to sign contracts to commit to stay at Williams for another 16 months, we knew our answer had to be no. We didn't know the next path the Lord will take us on, but we know that we trust the Lord who knows ALL!!

Through this decision, we were studying James 4:13-17, and once again God so faithfully gave us the courage and faith to step out and follow His leading. This year I have been studying Isaiah with Bible Study Fellowship. In the week of this big decision, I was studying in Isaiah, where the Babylonians were trusting in fortune tellers, visions, and other spirits to know the future. Our learning principle was, "don't trust in the future, but in the God who holds the future". We are learning so much about truly trusting God for EVERYTHING! We are so thankful that we serve an ALL Loving and ALL Sovereign God!!

    One of my biggest prayers in the beginning of this journey, was that God would be glorified through every step of this journey. The human side of me would have loved to have everything all neatly planned out... having a job and house lined up before giving notice to our current job. However, had we trusted in our own plans and circumstances, we and others would have missed out on the blessing of trusting and seeking God alone, and the peace that comes from trusting and knowing God as our Provider. One of the unexpected blessings is the impact our decision has had on Josh's current students. Even though we are leaving this ministry, the students have been absolutely supportive and encouraging, saying how thankful they are to see Josh acting out the faith and principles he has been teaching them! I am very thankful for my husband, who is an amazing man of God, a wonderful teacher and preacher of the Word, and an incredible example to our sons (who at 4 years old already wants to be a campus minister and tell students about Jesus when he grows up:) I look forward to more adventures on this journey alongside my husband and family!

 * Unfortunately the opportunity with the church in Alabama did not work out. Please pray for us as we seek God's leading for a new home and ministry to plant our lives.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My guys... teachers & preachers

My sons are such a blessing! I enjoy hearing them play, teach and love one another. Evan has the heart of a teacher and enjoys learning about God and Bible stories. Here's a video that displays Evan's teaching... and his first sermon;)

My wonderful husband, who is such a great role model to our boys, preached in Williams Baptist College Chapel today. He closed up the year of preaching through Samuel, and spoke on 2 Samuel 22. Here is a link to download his audio message.
I am so blessed by ALL of my guys!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Adventures

We have been having a lot of fun together this spring! The boys are 4 and 3 years old.... such a fun age for exploring and adventure!! Over spring break, while Josh was on a mission trip, the boys and I traveled to the Memphis Children's Museum. The boys had fun "grocery shopping", working on a construction site, and going fishing (their favorite:)

Another adventure, was a trip to Moutnain View Arkansas to visit Blanchard Springs and Caverns. Our family traveled with the Freshmen Adventure Team (F.A.T.) for a fun filled day of cave exploring, a picnic, and rock climbing near the waterfall. The boys ... and students had a BLAST!!
Skipping rocks with Dad at Sylamore Creek.
Ben's "date" with Miss Becca to the waterfall! When Ben was 2 1/2 years old, he asked Miss Becca to go to a waterfall with him and then go bowling. They finally had their "date"!!

King of the Mountain!!!

The boys loved exploring near the cave and waterfall!!
We live about 2 blocks from the Walnut Ridge Airport. This area used to be an Air Force Base in the 1940s/1950s. Last week we walked over and visited the Wings of Honor Museum with some good friends.

 We are really enjoying creating wonderful memories with our family and friends!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Adoption Update: Dossier Complete!!!

Our journey of adopting a child from Ethiopia began this September. Our home study was complete in December, immigration in February and now our DOSSIER is COMPLETE!!! This is definitely an exciting milestone! We are finished with the bulk of the paperwork and are now in the time of waiting for our referral... could be a year of waiting. We have already been blessed beyond measure through this journey. The Lord is teaching us so much about His love for us (His adopted children), His provision, grace and perfect timing.

Last week was an emotional roller coaster for many reasons...we mailed out our dossier (with every important document that covers our entire life, and the biggest check I've ever written) only for the dossier to be LOST in the US (certified) mail for a day! Thankfully our dossier was found and delivered!! However, the biggest news in regard to adoption was the changes taking place in the Ministry of Women's Affairs in Ethiopia (MOWA is who processes ALL inter-country adoptions through Ethiopia). Basically adoptions are being cut by 90%. To read more about this, follow this link. http://adoption.state.gov/news/ethiopia_alert.html 

In 2010, more than 2,500 Ethiopian children were adopted by American families. Should MOWA implement the recent directive as indicated, the number of adoptions from Ethiopia could fall as much as 90%, although the full impact of MOWA’s decision is unknown and cannot be predicted at this time.  

How can you help???
PRAY!!! Pray for the children in Ethiopia and for MOWA (that all would be cleared up and adoptions could proceed).
Also, PLEASE sign this petition to MOWA, by the Joint Council Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children.

Through all of the uncertainty of changes in Ethiopia, we are thankful for our Sovereign God who knows and holds the future! We are thankful for our friends and family who have prayed, encouraged, and supported us on our journey thus far!! Also thanks to Families Outreach, an orphan care foundation that also has a grant program for Christian adoptive families. We appreciate all of you!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Selective Hearing?

When I was in college, I was really struck with the thought…. If we truly believe who God is and what He has done is our life (redeemed us from the pit and gave us NEW LIFE), our lives would be radically different!! Over the past few years the Lord has really made me uncomfortable with the way our “Christian society” lives out (or doesn’t live out) our faith in Christ. Seriously, do most believers' lives and everyday actions really reflect the image of God, the life Christ displayed before us and the life He calls us to? Does my life? David Platt’s book, Radical, really resonated with me and so much of what the Lord had been placing on my heart! I am so thankful, encouraged and challenged for his boldness and clarity in waking up believers from living a “Christian spin on the American dream”!

Our society tends to listen only to the comfortable parts of scripture and misses out of the commands that involve sacrifice of our self-centered lives. These commands also open our eyes to the heart of God, and reveal the people and things that God cares about in this world.

In Matthew 6, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks to his disciples on giving to the poor (verses 1-4). Jesus makes clear that man cannot serve God and money, he will be devoted to one and despise the other (verses 19-24). Jesus also exhorts believers not to be like the pagans, who worry about what they eat, drink and wear (verses 31-32). Many professing Christian cling to only one verse in that entire chapter, 6:33. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well”. I am very thankful for God’s provision, and we should remember that God will give us the things we need for life and godliness. Too often we fail to take into account that there is a difference between God giving us what we “need” versus everything we “want” and desire in this world. God providing for our needs does not mean that He will give us all of our wordly desires and possessions… the possessions that usually that usually draw our time, attention, and affections away from Himself.

Let us keep in mind that God has called us to a life that is bigger than ourselves. We are not on this world merely for our own personal enjoyment and delight. Of course, enjoying God and loving Him is our highest delight! Let us not overlook this truth, God has created us for His glory and has created us to be vessels that spread his Name and Glory to the ends of the earth (Matt. 28). Scripture also reveals that “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)

If we are polluted and corrupted by the desires and pleasures of this world, not only will we be unable to answer this call to demonstrate Christ to the world… but we will not even hear the call. Is you life so full of wordly distractions, possessions, and debt, that you cannot even consider following Christ's commands that involve giving to the poor, looking after the fatherless and widows, or spreading the Gospel  to the all the nations? God tells us to “keep oneself from being polluted from the things of this world”, so we can hear and obey HIM! (James 1:27) A life of obedience to our loving Father is a very blessed life indeed!

I have so much more I want to say, but that will be for another day and another blog. Let me end with this passage from Isaiah 48:17-18 that we studied this week in Bible Study Fellowship.

“This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea’.”

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Days Baking

Snow Days are always a fun time for baking!! It's very practical... keeping the oven on helps warm up the house;) We have been blessed with several snow days this week... so there is lots of baking going on in our home!! Two of the recipes from this week are "healthified" Oatmeal Cookies and Yummy Baked Blueberry Cake Doughnuts. For those of you who don't know my cooking style, I am not great at measurements and I am ALWAYS tweaking recipes! I hope your family enjoys these recipes as much as mine!!

Healthified Oatmeal Cookies
This recipe originated from my Mom's Oatmeal Cookie recipe (from a pudding box), but has many changes.
11/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup applesauce
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar or splenda (optional)
1 pkg. (4 serving) Jello Instant Vanilla/French Vanilla Pudding
2 eggs
2 TBSP - 1/4 cup ground flax seed
3 1/2 cups oatmeal (quick cooking)
Optional add-ins: raisins, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, nuts
Mix flour with baking soda.
Combine sugars, butter, applesauce, and pudding mix in large bowl.
Add eggs and flax seed.
Stir in oatmeal, then add-ins (my family does 1/2 batch chocolate and 1/2 batch butterscotch)
Drop by teaspoon full onto ungreased baking sheet, about 2 inches apart.
Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes. Makes about 5 dozen.

Yummy Baked Blueberry Cake Doughnuts - 
a great morning delight for your entire family!!

Servings: 9 large doughnuts (I have large and small doughnut trays and this recipe usually makes 9 large donuts and a tray of one dozen mini doughnuts)
1/2 stick butter (can substitute applesauce)
3/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 1/4 cups milk
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
ground flax seed (about 1-2 TBSP... I just pour;)
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (can substitute up to 1 cup whole wheat flour-- 1 1/2 cups AP flour + 1 cup whole wheat flour)
1 cup frozen/fresh wild blueberries
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Lightly coat doughnut tins with cooking spray.
In a food processor or mixer, combine butter and sugar. Process until smooth. Add eggs and process until combined. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the milk and process until smooth.
Add the baking powder, cinnamon, salt and vanilla. Process until well mixed. Set aside.
In a large bowl, combine the flour and blueberries. Toss until the blueberries are evenly distributed and coated with flour. Add the wet ingredients from the processor. Mix with a wooden spoon until just combined.
Transfer batter to a large plastic bag. Twist close the top. Use scissors to snip off one bottom corner of the bag, creating about a 1/2-inch-wide opening.
Holding the bag over the prepared pan, gently squeeze batter into each doughnut mold.
Bake for about 15-20 minutes, or until lightly browned. (shorter bake time for mini donuts).
Place doughnuts on cooling racks and pour/spread glaze over doughnuts.
Glaze recipe
Makes glaze for 24 doughnuts
1/4 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups powdered sugar

Happy Baking!!