Our Journey to "organic"

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snack time ideas for my house of boys!

A recent topic among several friends has been... Our kiddos are always hungry!! What are healthy foods & snacks that we can feed our growing guys throughout the day?! 
3 out of 4 boys being silly:)
As a mom to 4 growing boys, I feel like I'm constantly cooking trying to keep their bellies full! I love to cook and freezer cooking has greatly helped for dinner, and even some breakfast meals. However, prepping snacks throughout the day for these boys (one with food allergies to dairy, soy and wheat) has been a challenge!! When my older two boys were younger, they often snacked on graham crackers and goldfish. However, we now try to avoid processed food and food dyes, so I'm learning to be creative with snack time! Here are a few of our favorites...

  • All of my boys LOVE my Homemade granola! They eat it plain or with milk (like cereal). My hubby and I eat granola every morning with our homemade yogurt and fruit.
  • Fruits and Veggies! It seems so simple, but here are our favorites...
    • Fruit salad or cut up separately (apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, watermelon)
    • Tangerines, we call them Satsumas:)
    • Carrot sticks
    • Apples or bananas with peanut butter and raisins
    • Peanut banana roll-up (peanut butter & banana rolled up in a tortilla, cut in slices) 
    • Raisins
    • Cherry tomatoes
  • Natural stove popped corn. The boys love it and it fills their bellies until dinner. I've tried a fun variation of Cinnamon Glazed Popcorn that was really yummy too!
  • Pink hummus is a fun snack for Valentine's Day or any day! The secret ingredient is beets:)
  • Fruit smoothies are great for lunch or snack time! There are so many recipes out there, but I really stick to our favorite "shake" smoothie.
  • String cheese
  • Boiled eggs
  • Cashews, pecans
I would love to hear snack ideas from you! 
How you feed your crew healthy snacks/meals!!