I know the girls retreat was in November, but I'm finally getting a moment to recap some of our discussions from the WBC Girls' retreat:) I was absolutely blessed to be a part of this and I really enjoyed getting to know you WBC girls better! I was encouraged and challenged to hear your hearts for our Lord, your passion for ministry on our campus, and the ways you honor Christ in your relationships!
The main focus of the retreat was "
Living the Single Life to the Glory of God." Here is a recap of one of the sessions that focused on how you can practically live out the single life in college to the glory of God...
There are numerous ways to minister while SINGLE vs. married!
1) Time and Independence!! Your time is your own (not your husband's or your kids'). You have more time now than you EVER will!
Use this time to...
A) Grow in your walk with the LORD, through Bible study, quiet time with the Lord, prayer, journal and read.
B) Get equipped to serve - spend an immense amount of time in the Word, memorize Scripture, get in small group Bible studies, have a prayer/accountability partner, take classes
C) SERVE! GO on mission trips, minister to those younger than you – youth or children, volunteer in your community and church, teach Bible studies, minister to orphans and widows, etc.
D) Take care of the body God has given you. When more people are added to your life (husband and kids) it will be more difficult to remember to take care of yourself. Learn good health and eating habits now, so you can continue to model those for your future family.
2) Grow an undivided heart for the Lord! While there are fewer distractions, learn to love Christ more than this world and put Him as your first priority.
3) GO... MISSIONS!!!
- Unless you are called to full time missions, you will not get opportunities like this for a long time! If you’re called to missions you should be going NOW too!
- Whether it is Africa or Arkansas, one week or an entire year... GO!!
- Check out this link for more opportunities to GO!
4) Take time to see and hear (by listening to God through His Word) who He has created you to be and who He has called you to be and do!!
- Get to know God, His heart and His will (shown all throughout Scripture) and seek His direction for your life. Don’t just let wait for it to fall in your lap.
i. For example: if you’re a missions major…do missions!
ii. If you’re a ministry major… do ministry!
iii. If you’re an education major… work with kids/youth!
iv. If you’re a business major… practice good ethics and a strong work ethic while in school (that won’t just change as soon as you want/get a job)
5) GIVE – more than just tith
e, give until it hurts and then keep giving! You are the only mouth you have to feed
:-) Grow a selfless giving perspective now, so you can continue to walk in that way when you get older and finances get more complicated.
Remember, the Lord has you in this season of life for a reason! There are ways that you can minister now, that may change when job, spouse or kids are added into the picture. Live to the glory of God in this season and time... you and those around you will be blessed!
“Set an example in speech, life, love, faith and purity” 1 Timothy 4:12
A special thanks to the girls on the panel (Becca, Natalie, Jill and Jenny)
for setting such a great example to your peers in speech, life, love, faith and purity!!
I would love to hear new ways the Lord is challenging all of YOU to set an example in SPEECH, LIFE, LOVE, FAITH, and PURITY!