There were only three of us praying together, since one of the babies really needed to get to sleep. My six year old prayed, then my seven year old prayed and I finished in prayer. I noticed my seven year old, Evan, was in a different position from when we started and was laying on the ground.
After prayer time, Evan said, "I prayed in 3 different ways." He then demonstrated
1. Standing with his hands raised
2. Kneeling with head bowed
3. Face down in prayer
I asked him where he learned those ways. He responded, "I read about it in my Bible."
1. Daniel kneeled down in prayer
2. After Moses was angry with the Israelites, he fell on his face before God
3. Paul told, I think, the Galatians to lift their hands in prayer (actually 1Timothy)
I was blown away, blessed, challenged, and thankful for the love God has given Evan for His Word! I pray God will continue to give him and his younger brothers (and me) a love and hunger for His Word! I pray God will grow our boys and use them mightily for His glory!