Adoption journey

Over the past year, the Lord has been growing, teaching, and challenging our family in so many ways! We are responding to the Lord's leading and are expanding our family through the adoption of a precious baby!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Why we said NO to drugs

Many of you have seen me post about my crunchy/natural remedies, but you may not know why we have clearly turned our path away from using OTC and pharmaceutical/petrochemical drugs and toward natural health. Let me give you a little history about why our family made the decision to say "NO" to drugs...

Approximately 100,000 people die each year from adverse reactions to their prescription medications! That's only considering the people who die, not the others who have to live with long term effects from reactions to prescribed medications. This isn't talking about illegal drug use, or drug abuse, it's from "properly" prescribed medication. Drug commercials on television list the ridiculous side effects for the drugs they're advertising... many of those list death!

My family has seen too many of those adverse reactions, and are still living with many of the "adverse effects". Some of those adverse effects my family has experienced include:

  • Medicinal stomach ulcer - from medicines after wisdom teeth surgery
  • Acid Reflux - from Over the Counter medicines, NSAIDs (IbuProfen and Aleve)
  • Anxiety and panic attacks in children - from reflux medicine that was actually a neuro-inhibitor
  • Gut damage and bacterial imbalance from overuse of antibiotics, resulting in food intolerances and eczema
  • Osteoporosis - from hormone suppressing drugs
  • Yeast and fungal infections - from oral steroids and asthma medication
  • Hallucinations - from OTC antihistamines
  • Hyperactivity and sleeplessness - from steroids
  • Full body rash - allergic reaction to Penicillin
  • Ruptured blood vessels - reaction

Not only has my family seen horrible side effects and reactions to OTC and prescription drugs, but those medicines dodn't always work to bring healing. As a youth, I remember going through 3 rounds of antibiotics to clear up bronchitis! The steroid shot from my podiatrist would only result in 3-4 weeks of relief from my chronic foot pain. My dermatologist never knew why I had dermatitis on my face, but prescribed a dangerous steroid cream that worked only when constantly used (he even prescribed this while I was pregnant, even though it was a class C drug). Our oldest son had tubes in his ears as a toddler and many rounds of antibiotics, but continued to get ear infections after the tubes fell out.  I was tired of treating our health symptomatically, and wanted to get to the root of our our health issues for true healing.

Our family cut sugar and processed foods; we now eat food and drinks to build up our bodies instead of tear them down. Since cutting dairy and sugar, I no longer have asthma! We focus on eating whole natural foods to helps maintain and build our health so our bodies are not as prone to sickness. We use YL Essential Oils and several other natural remedies for our health needs! Essential oils have no negative side effects and you can physically not be allergic to them, since they don't contain a protein or amino acid (which is what our histamines react to). I'm thankful that God has given us all we need for life and health in His creation! God has literally given us a plant oil for every ailment on the planet! We have used oils for cuts, scrapes, burns, boo boos, colds, sniffles, coughs, seasonal discomforts, tummy aches, and nasty bugs. We also use oils for uplifting spirits/moods, focusing on school and sleep! I teach classes on how to use Essential Oils for health, wellness and replacing toxins in your home. Message me for more info or join us for a class to learn more!

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Disclaimer: This blog and information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease, illness or injury. 

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